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Breast Augmentation Surgery in South Korea

Breast augmentation Korea

According to the International Society of Aesthetic Plastic Surgery, breast augmentation is the most popular cosmetic procedure in the world. As stated in recent studies, nearly 2 million breast augmentation surgeries occurred in 2018 – a 6% growth from the previous year.

In South Korea plastic surgery is beyond common. The nation holds some of the most qualified plastic surgeons and clinics in the business, attracting patients worldwide. Continue to read and find out why you should undergo breast augmentation surgery in Korea.

What is Breast Augmentation?

Breast augmentation is a plastic surgery procedure. It consists on the placement of breast implants or fat grafts to enhance the size and shape of the breast.

This type of procedure is mostly associated with women with small breasts. However, women facing breast size asymmetry or loss of breast volume after weight loss or pregnancy can also benefit from it. Mastectomy victims can also benefit from breast augmentation surgery.

Similar to other cosmetic procedures, breast augmentation surgery has powerful effects. In other words, it helps improve the balance of curves in the body enhancing self-image and confidence levels in return.

This surgery is ideal for individuals who:

-Want to regain confidence with fuller breasts

-Desire a natural feel and appearance

-Feel insecure about having a flat chest

-Wish to correct breast asymmetry

-Want to enhance their look in swimwear and lingerie

Types of Breast Augmentation Implants

A breast implant is a prosthetic device used to alter the dimension, shape and outline of one’s breast. Breast implant surgery is the most common way to achieve breast augmentation and provides natural long term results.

According to the type of implant and medical technique used, breast implant procedures can vary vastly. Resulting in a wider amount of options that suit each patient’s need.

There is quite a variety of types that is available in the market. Depending on the feel, size, and shape, there will be a breast implant that perfectly fits you. The core of a successful breast augmentation is selecting the right breast implant. Although saline implants are also available, most plastic surgeons recommend medical-grade silicone gel implants. Silicone implants are said to be much more durable than saline ones.

The optimal breast implant comes in a size that would be appropriate to your body in terms of weight, skin thickness, body shape, and your needs and wants. For example, 150 cc – 200cc equals roughly 1-1.5 cup sizes, and for thin patients to get 300 cc implants would not look ideal to them. No matter how big your ambitions are, we focus on implants that can give you a more natural and realistic look. Having the right fit would not hinder your daily activities, and you will have long-term satisfaction with the size that best suits you. Each type of breast silicone implant comes in different shapes and surface textures.

1. Shape

Type 1 is ideal for those who already have adequate lower breast tissue but need more upper breast volume. It provides a fuller, curvier look and makes cleavage more prominent. The implant filling material will spread outward when you lie down, but the shape will remain similar whether you are standing or lying down.

Type 2 is suitable for women with less breast tissue and has an anatomically shaped implant with more volume in the lower half. The appearance created is a curve that slopes slightly toward the nipple, just like a natural breast. The top half of these implants looks less round.

 breast Shape

2. Surface

Type 1 feels softer and has a rounder shape. After the implant, you can move around more freely during activities because it resembles natural breast tissue. Most patients choose this type of implant because of its natural appearance.

Type 2 is primarily designed to maintain a parallel position of the implant after filling, and clinical use appears to show a reduced incidence of capsular contracture. Most textured implants are round and teardrop-shaped because their surface primarily adheres to the breast tissue.

implant Surface


In terms of material, breast implants can be filled with silicone gel or saline water. In terms of final results, both provide similar outcomes. However, saline water implants tend to provide a more natural look to the breast.

Since the implant material is different, the breast augmentation procedure also differs. In the case of saline water breast implants they are inserted empty and filled once placed under the breast tissue. While in the case of silicone implants, they are set placed pre-filled.

breast augmentation materials
Motiva lmplant Features
Mentor implant Features
Sebbin lmplant Features

The Surgery: What You Need To Know

Korean experts will conduct extensive evaluations before patients undergo breast surgery. Here is an overview of how the surgical procedure will work.

Each individual has a unique breast structure; every surgery will be customized according to the different factors assessed during the consultation. Every surgery method will be done safely in the hands of our highly-qualified surgeons and trained staff. Your safety and satisfaction are our top priority, as we will guide in every step of the way.

Breast Surgery Methods

Breast Augmentation Surgery Method
Breast Augmentation Surgery Method
Breast Augmentation Surgery Method

Incision Sites

Incision Sites

Implant Insertion Area

Implant Insertion Area

Implant Placement Techniques

There are various types of surgery placements for a boob job in Korea. Here is a comparison with its advantages and disadvantages.

Implant Placement Techniques

Essential Surgery Information

Breast augmentation Surgery Information


Aftercare is as crucial as the procedure. We will take care of you from your consultation until you are safe to travel back to your home. As breast augmentation is a significant surgery, post-surgery care is essential. It is best to follow all the directives your surgeon instructs you for it to be considered a successful operation. Sure, there will be a lot of discomfort for the first few days, and you will have to wear a compression bandage to keep it intact and in place. Your doctor will also prescribe pain medications for you to help ease inflammation. Smoking and drinking are prohibited for at least four weeks after your surgery as they may affect your recovery. Aftercare massage is also vital to surgically placed silicone implants.

Why Choose South Korea for Breast Augmentation?

  1. Advanced Technology – Clinics in South Korea use cutting-edge technology like 3D volume sizing systems to ensure precise measurements and realistic previews of post-surgery results.

  2. Minimal Scarring and Pain – Techniques like full HD endoscopic surgery and dermabond sutures reduce the risk of infection and minimize scarring and discomfort.

  3. Safety First – With a team of board-certified plastic surgeons and breast specialists, your procedure is handled with the utmost professionalism and care. Anesthesiologists are on standby 24/7, and clinics are equipped with hospital-grade facilities.

  4. Comprehensive Aftercare – South Korea’s clinics provide premium aftercare services, including breast ultrasound screenings and microscopic biopsy examinations to ensure your long-term health.

  5. All-Inclusive Service – From consultation to post-surgery recovery, Korea’s “one-stop” medical service ensures you receive seamless care throughout your entire journey.

    Breast augmentation case
    Breast augmentation case
    Breast augmentation case


When Can I Return To My Normal Daily Life After Surgery?

Generally, you can return to your daily routine after one week; however, it depends on your definition of a daily routine. When your everyday life consists of a light workload such as desk and office work, one week of recovery time will be enough for you. But if your routine consists of a heavy workload such as walking and traveling daily, your recovery time may be longer than usual. We recommend that you consult and discuss what is best for you with your physician before your discharge.


Will There Be Side Effects After My Breast Surgery?

Like any major surgery, there will always be risks. Your doctor thoroughly discusses these risks and precautions before you undergo breast surgery. Boob jobs in Korea are generally safe procedures with minimal side effects. Side effects after your breast surgery include bruising, swelling, and pain. Capsular contracture is also a widely known complication of breast augmentation surgery where the capsular firmness is formed around the breast implant. Postoperative massage can help reduce the risk of capsular contracture.


When Can I Start Wearing A Bra?

There are no specific rules prohibiting patients from wearing a bra after their breast surgery. However, it is essential to note that incorrect wearing of bras immediately after your boob job may cause unnecessary constriction leading to a distorted breast shape. Therefore, we recommend that wearing your bras should be put off for a month. Instead, you should wear a fixable bra at least 14 days after your boob job. Much later, you can also opt to use nipple pads or tapes that are becoming a trend nowadays.


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